Software Engineering

Instagram Feed Designer JS Project

We have finally arrived at JS, something I feared from my childhood dabbling in web design. Whilst all my friends spoke of this new cool jquery libary I simply did not take interest because Javascript syntax looked so unruly. So, what have I learned after completing my JS project? Well… javascript syntax is still in my eyes verbose and unruly, BUT with a firm grasp on why JS does things this way and why javascript has some… interesting edge cases to say the least I no longer have that fear of JS that I once did have growing up. In fact diving into it I found it can be similar to C# in ways! So, translating some of that experience over has helped me not get lost in the curly bracket madness.

Rails Portfolio Project

I decided to create a music discovery platform for my rails project. Coming into Rails felt familar. The nesting was tough and the abstraction at some points became more cumbersome than helpful and I was thinking Sinatra was way easier. After finishing my Rails project I can say I’ve grown to love and appreciate the level of abstraction Rails provided and it started making sense WHY we do things the Rails way. If you’re trying to do something and rails just isn’t allowing you an easy solution that probably isn’t the rails way!

Recreating 2005 Myspace with Sinatra

For my Sinatra project, I decided to go back to where it all began. If anyone used Myspace in it’s prime you’ll know it allowed you to customize your profile. That’s where my initial curiosity for coding began so in a weird way I found myself in a full 360 now coding the thing that got me interested in the basics of coding???

My OO Ruby CLI Project

My CLI project is a gem that scrapes data from a few sources.

  1. The official Riot games API located
  2. A neat JSON list for all of the current League of Legends champions located
  3. OP.GG (Scraping)
  4. (Scraping

Final React Project

Finally, I have reached the Final Project. I’ve grown to love React for how easy it makes reusing code and updating/rendering itself when changes are made with data.